Vickie is the author of seven novels and four
nonfiction books. She is also co-author with Jo Huddleston of Writing 101: A Handbook of Tips and Encouragement for Writers and a gift book, Simply Christmas: Memories, Traditions, and Stories of the Season. A devotional journal, Mornings With God, My Daily Prayer Journal was coauthored with Emily Biggers.
Vickie has published more than 200 articles, devotionals, and book reviews in more than fifty regional and national publications. These include Woman's Touch, Mature Living, The War Cry, Christian Standard, Christian Education, God's Word for Today, Counselor and CBN.com. Her work is also included in several anthologies.
Vickie loves to mentor other writers and in 2009 founded the East Texas Christian Writer's Group which meets monthly for the purpose of encouraging and instructing writers in their pursuit of publication.
Vickie loves reading good books and discussing them with other readers. She spent eighteen years working for an independent bookstore, first as a bookseller, then as manager and buyer for the store. She writes fulltime from her home in the piney woods of East Texas.
Bits and Pieces
Native Texan: Never lived anywhere else and don't want to. Most of my life has been spent in the Eastern part of the state but I was born in the west and there's still a place in my heart for that area. There's nothing like a West Texas sunset filling up the sky. I love cowboys, horses, boots and men that wear stetsons.
Lifetime Reader: I've loved books since the day I learned to read. I would check out a book at the school library, stay up until I finished reading it and take it back the next day to check out another one. I think I've been a lifetime writer also. I've always enjoyed writing lists, jotting down thoughts and journaling in some form.
Worked as a professional cake decorator for thirteen years until I found my dream job working at a bookstore. It was more than a job. Being surrounded by words and knowledge every day as well as other people who were interested in those same things kept me feeling high on life.
Writing is more than a profession for me. It's a calling. I feel I am meant to do this. I've written tons of material that's never seen publication but that doesn't mean I should stop.
My husband and I, along with another couple, were at the White House on 9/11 when the plane flew into the Pentagon. It was a surreal experience I don't want to repeat.
Last, but certainly not least, I am a person of faith. It influences me in every aspect of my life from what I write to how I live, work and play. Yes, there is a God. I talk to Him daily.